Nepal is the womb of the Himalayas where Sanatan Yoga is performed in its purest form. Like the Chinese whisper game, where a statement whispered first, completely changes at the end, unfortunately, true Yoga practice was not carried out when imparted by amateurs to the ones who had no idea about what it is. Yoga is not an exercise, it is a way of life that incorporates Asanas, or postures, as one of its pillars including other pillars, such as Yama, Niyama, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. It also has profound spiritual truths. Considering the authentic Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga, however, thankfully, there are still some places where they are imbibed, practiced and imparted the way they have to be. And Nepal is one of those countries which has many true Yogis teaching Yoga.
Ancient temples abound in this lovely, mountainous land. These temples are particularly consecrated areas that provide energy support for Yoga as a spiritual process. In Nepal, a number of Sadhaks have practiced severe austerities or Tapas. Their presence is palpable in the air. This country’s spiritual atmosphere is plainly detectable by any sensitive human being. This is the region where Buddha was born and taught a method for achieving enlightenment. His presence is still felt. Spirituality, on the other hand, is not limited to those who have given up the world. King Janak, an enlightened King and a profound Guru, also nourished the soil of Nepal with his divinity.
A proper atmosphere is a supporting aspect for every good effort. Nepal is abundant in natural beauty, including mountains, plants, and animals. It provides an environment that is suitable for Yoga and Spirituality. It’s no surprise that tourism is thriving in this area. Every season gives a new hue to the sky, a fresh appeal to the surroundings, and a variety of flavorful dishes, so there is never a month when tourists are not present. The food is completely organic, as it is still grown in the traditional method. These organic agricultural products are ideal as ingredients in Yogic Delicacies. Simply by eating Yogic meals or following a Yogic diet for a week in Nepal, one may see favorable effects.
The Yoga Retreats and Academy in Nepal attract people from all over the world. The tourists, along with learning authentic Yoga get to explore the rich & colorful culture of Nepal. The festivals are beautifully celebrated spreading sparks of joy. Nepal can satiate the urge of any connoisseur as it is full of various delicacies. There are several tourist places for sightseeing, hiking, trekkings, festivities, jungle tours, relaxation retreats, etc. The people who come here to learn Yoga, also get to travel in the country and get immersed in its beauty.
When it comes to learning the genuine core of Yoga, it is the most cost-effective option. The natives are kind and considerate, and the atmosphere is welcoming. You may easily live here for months and years on a shoestring budget while yet getting excellent organic food and pleasant lodging. Nepal’s wise Gurus and practitioners are kind, wanting to share the secrets of Yoga with everyone for the greater good. Nepal is a very spiritual country that has preserved the legacy of true Yoga and is eager to meet the needs of seekers, practitioners and future yoga teachers.